Twisted Toy Wall at Manylabs

Last month, we were invited to install a exhibit/art piece in Manylabs, a great San Francisco community space for explorations of art and science. 


Manylabs hosts makers and startups doing innovative work that combines digital fabrication, environmental issues, biology, sculpture, data visualization and other new technologies. They also puts on a wide variety of public events aimed to get people interested and engaged with scientific topics. 


After connecting with the team at Manylabs and learning more about their work, we thought that a modified version of Nicole's toy taxidermy wall would be a great addition to help create a playful environment.  


We arranged a collection of dissected furby heads, dismantled cat toys and a few interesting switches on a large board painted turquoise to match the custom colors of Manylabs. This installation needs to survive unattended for at least a few months so we arranged and hot glued all the wires down to give some points of stress relief. 


Immediately after Nicole finished applying the final dabs of hot glue, some late night residents in the space started playing around with the toy elements! We were psyched to see people "touching the art" and interacting with the exhibit right away.

Its been wonderful to see the installation in the background in tweets and posts from other events in the Manylabs space. There will be a lot of presentations, films, potlucks and more going on there in the next couple months, so stop by, support your local community art/science space and enjoy a slightly twisted WICO installation.