"The Tinkering Workshop" at SHIFTED (family workshop)
4:30 PM16:30

"The Tinkering Workshop" at SHIFTED (family workshop)

Join author and educator Ryan Jenkins from Wonderful Idea Co. at shiftED Makerspace to play and explore everyday materials using project prompts from the new book 'The Tinkering Workshop'. We’ll be using cardboard, wire and washers to explore balance and build unique “weighted wobblers” and “wire mobiles”. These scientific explorations will  become fantastical characters and moving creatures with the addition of googly eyes, feathers, colored plastic and other craft materials. 

During the workshop we’ll take a deep dive into the world of tinkering. Tinkering is a way to learn about art science and technology that emphasizes experimentation, collaboration and playfulness. For tinkering projects there’s not a specific end-point and each design will be different depending on the questions and ideas of the learners. 

Please join us for this special event. This free workshop for children and parents/carers will be hands-on and lots of fun. As a special bonus, at the end of the session, we’ll raffle off a few free copies of The Tinkering Workshop for event participants!

This event is being hosted by shiftED, a Camden-based charity that offers design and making projects to schools, as well as to children and young people after school.

Sign up here:


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"The Tinkering Workshop" at SHIFTED (educator meet-up)
6:00 PM18:00

"The Tinkering Workshop" at SHIFTED (educator meet-up)

Join author and educator Ryan Jenkins from Wonderful Idea Co. at shiftED Makerspace to get introduced to the tinkering approach to STEAM learning, get hands-on by playing and exploring everyday materials using project prompts from the new book 'The Tinkering Workshop', reflect on the experience. 

During the workshop we’ll take a deep dive into the world of tinkering. Tinkering is a way to learn about art science and technology that emphasizes experimentation, collaboration and playfulness. For tinkering projects there’s not a specific end-point and each design will be different depending on the questions and ideas of the learners. 

We’ll be using cardboard, wire and washers to explore balance and build unique “weighted wobblers” and “wire mobiles”. We’ll investigate how low-tech science explorations can be taken further with the addition of story telling elements or light-up electronic elements. 

In our discussion, we’ll think together about how to adapt these projects into classrooms, makerspaces, informal learning environments and at home tinkering workshops. We’ll consider the balance between freedom and constraint, facilitation strategies and ways of setting up spaces, materials and examples to support the tinkering process. 

You will also have the opportunity to learn about shiftED, a Camden-based charity that offers design and making projects to schools, as well as to children and young people after school. Additionally, it provides CPD opportunities for teachers and educators.

Sign up here:


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The Tinkering Workshop at Exeter Library
2:00 PM14:00

The Tinkering Workshop at Exeter Library

Join author Ryan Jenkins and educators from the Exeter Science Centre for a meet-the-author event and tinkering workshop at the Exeter Main Library. This is a free workshop and will take place in the foyer from 2:00-6:00pm.  

Get inspired by plastic bottles, cardboard, recycled containers and of course googly eyes to create your own inflatable friends. We’ll use little USB fans to fill our whimsical creatures with air and watch them dance and shake across the space. 

We’ll try a project from the pages of the book and have informal conversations about playful and engaging STEAM explorations in science centers, libraries, schools and at home around the kitchen table! Signed copies of The Tinkering Workshop will be available to purchase in partnership with the local independent Bookbag Bookshop. 

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"The Tinkering Workshop" at Mechanical Makerspace
12:00 PM12:00

"The Tinkering Workshop" at Mechanical Makerspace

  • Mechanical Making Space - Cabaret Mechanical Theatre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Visit us in Hastings for a Giant Linkage Party to celebrate the release of The Tinkering Workshop. Join author Ryan Jenkins and team CMT for a fun afternoon experimenting with linkages.

The Tinkering Workshop book can help kids, parents and educators get ideas for building their own automata and also make connections to other topics along the way like sound machines, electrical circuits, wind powered mechanisms and more. Each one of the materials explorations and activity prompts builds on practices of asking questions, prototyping, troubleshooting and taking part in a larger conversation with other makers, all ideas that should be familiar to all automata makers. Check out the book and join Ryan at the Mechanical Making Space in Hastings for a really fun hands-on workshop, book signing and discussion as part of the UK book tour on Saturday March 8th.

This is a free drop in event. Join us at any time during the afternoon and please book a free ticket to make sure we have enough supplies for everyone!


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"The Tinkering Workshop" at Cambridge Science Centre
to Mar 10

"The Tinkering Workshop" at Cambridge Science Centre

Join author and educator Ryan Jenkins from Wonderful Idea Co. at Cambridge Science Centre to get introduced to the tinkering approach to STEAM learning, get hands-on by playing and exploring everyday materials using project prompts and materials featured in the new book 'The Tinkering Workshop'. 

During the workshop we’ll take a deep dive into the world of tinkering. Tinkering is a way to learn about art science and technology that emphasizes experimentation, collaboration and playfulness. For tinkering projects there’s not a specific end-point and each design will be different depending on the questions and ideas of the learners. 

We’ll be using cardboard, wire and washers to explore balance and build unique “weighted wobblers” with the addition of tiny pager motors and batteries for an electrified experimental workshop. Each session will include a quick introduction to the book, a quick project example and plenty of time to build and tinker. Signed copies of The Tinkering Workshop will be available for purchase.

These free workshops will take place from 10:30-12:00 and 12:30-2:00. Sign up here to save your spot at this event as space will be limited:

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Tinkering Tour in Ludwigsburg
11:00 AM11:00

Tinkering Tour in Ludwigsburg

The Tinkering Workshop book launch takes over the city of Ludwigsburg with events at the public library, thalia books and tinkertank makerspace.

Come to all three locations and make a different art machine at each one of the stops. Get a copy of the book, meet author Ryan Jenkins and explore the wide variety of possibilities when you start tinkering with everyday materials.

There will be a large gathering at the city library at the end of the event to share our projects and celebrate the tinkering spirit together!

Learn more here:


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Automata Tinkering Global Workshop (Online Course)
to Jun 4

Automata Tinkering Global Workshop (Online Course)

Cabaret Mechanical Theatre are delighted to be running this popular course for the 11th time.

This six week programme has been designed to explore the combination of art and engineering. The classes will be led by experienced facilitator Ryan Jenkins from Wonderful Idea Co. and supported by Loulou Cousin & a small team of international educators who will guide you through a variety of mediums and practical elements building several automata prototypes.

Through the online workshops you will become part of a community of makers with virtual visits to Cabaret Mechanical Theatre artists’ studios, access to exclusive artist interviews and opportunities to discover and meet emerging international automata artists.

Sign up here:


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Keynote at 21st Century Learning Maker and STEAM Spaces Symposium
9:00 AM09:00

Keynote at 21st Century Learning Maker and STEAM Spaces Symposium

This engaging 2.5-hour session will invite participants to explore different approaches to implementation of Makers and STEAM spaces. Participants will learn how individual schools have designed, resourced and utilized these innovative learning spaces. Whether you are a school that already has such a space, or you have one that needs rethinking, you won’t want to miss this essential professional learning and leadership opportunity. 

Maker and/or STEAM spaces are becoming essential parts of a school’s learning environment.  However, as this is a rapidly evolving area there are no “blue prints.” For every successful space in a school there is another that is not being leveraged to its full potential. This symposium will prompt thinking and provide ideas to support school-based decisions around their Maker and STEAM spaces.

  • Keynote Session – The Whys and the Hows of the Tinkering Workshop: Creating Playful and Engaging Spaces for STEAM exploration – by Ryan Jenkins, Director and Lead Tinkerer at Wonderful Idea Company

Learn more here:


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"The Tinkering Workshop" Virtual Holiday Party
9:00 PM21:00

"The Tinkering Workshop" Virtual Holiday Party

Join author of The Tinkering Workshop, Ryan Jenkins and friends for an experimental online workshop where we’ll explore a new open platform for virtual events and try some tinkering activities together. The tinkering party will be co-hosted by Sue Allen and Josh Gutwill of Clean Conferencing Institute, a non-profit working to “radically improve virtual conferences so that organizations will hold them more often, reducing their carbon emissions and broadening access to professional development for more people.”

Get more information and sign-up for the workshop here:


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LEGO Winter Wonderland at Elztal Museum
10:00 AM10:00

LEGO Winter Wonderland at Elztal Museum

All visitors to the museum regardless of age can get creative with these familiar LEGO blocks in unexpected ways. Helpful facilitation is provided by Ryan Jenkins at this free family Sunday event on the first Sunday of Advent. We’ll use simple building blocks to create wondrous structures, small robots and machines.

Die Museumsbesucher – egal welchen Alters – dürfen selbst mit den bunten und beliebten Klötzchen kreativ werden. Professionelle Anleitung gibt es bei diesem kostenlosen Familiensonntag am 1. Advent  von Ryan Jenkins. Der in Freiburg lebende Pädagoge kommt aus Los Angeles (Californien, USA) und führte bereits mit vielen Bildungseinrichtungen und Museen Technikprojekte durch. Aus einfachen Bausteinen – wie beispielsweise LEGO-Klötzchen – entstehen bei Jenkins Workshops wundersame Bauwerke und kleine Roboter und Maschinen.

More info here: https://www.elztalmuseum.de/home/museum/winterliche+lego_-welten.html

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The Tinkering Workshop at ReDiscover Mid City
3:00 PM15:00

The Tinkering Workshop at ReDiscover Mid City

Join makerspace educator and author Ryan Jenkins at ReDiscover Center in Mid City Los Angeles to construct hands-on projects based on prompts and materials from his new book, The Tinkering Workshop. Play with everyday objects and build surprising creations that combine art, science and technology. In this workshop we’ll go big both in terms of large-scale activities and special guests (to be announced)!

Purchase a copy and get it signed at the event. Chat with Ryan about his process for putting together this collection of making and tinkering explorations.

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The Tinkering Workshop at Timbre Books
4:00 PM16:00

The Tinkering Workshop at Timbre Books

Come to Timbre Books in Ventura to meet educator and author Ryan Jenkins and learn about his new book, The Tinkering Workshop. Together we’ll get inspired to look at familiar supplies in new and unexpected ways, to think with our hands, troubleshoot tricky constructions, and sharpen our problem-solving skills.

At this event, Ryan will give a short introduction to the book and lead a drop-in tinkering workshop pulled directly from the pages. Signed copies of The Tinkering Workshop will be available for purchase.

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The Tinkering Workshop at MOXI: Wolf Museum of Exploration + Innovation
1:00 PM13:00

The Tinkering Workshop at MOXI: Wolf Museum of Exploration + Innovation

Join us at the MOXI in Santa Barbara to meet educator and author Ryan Jenkins and learn about his new book, The Tinkering Workshop.

Together we’ll get inspired to look at familiar supplies in new and unexpected ways, to think with our hands, troubleshoot tricky constructions, and sharpen our problem-solving skills. At this event, Ryan will give a short introduction to the book and lead a drop-in tinkering workshop pulled directly from the pages.

Signed copies of The Tinkering Workshop will be available for purchase at the museum store.

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The Tinkering Workshop at Bay Area Maker Faire
to Oct 20

The Tinkering Workshop at Bay Area Maker Faire

  • Historic Mare Island (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Join Ryan Jenkins and friends from the Wonderful Idea for a hands-on tinkering workshop where you can slow down, play with everyday materials and explore the intersection between art, science and technology. We'll take inspiration from Ryan's recently released book The Tinkering Workshop and engage with several different interactive projects taken straight from the pages including DIY windmills, sky-trams and art machines.

Presentation (exact date/time TBA):

Join author Ryan Jenkins for a look at his new book, The Tinkering Workshop which presents a wide variety of ways to play and create with art, science and technology using everyday materials. In this talk Ryan will share the behind-the-scenes process of putting together the book and talk about ways that the images and text can support a tinkering mindset for kids, parents and educators. Using the book as a jumping off point, we'll explore the value of tinkering in STEAM education and how it's possible to get started in a classroom, with a museum or library makerspace, or around a kitchen table.

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The Tinkering Workshop at BAME
6:00 PM18:00

The Tinkering Workshop at BAME

Calling all maker educators to join author Ryan Jenkins for a look at his new book, The Tinkering Workshop which presents a wide variety of ways to play and create with art, science and technology using everyday materials.

Using the book as a jumping off point, we'll explore the value of everyday stuff in maker education and reflect on the possibilities for setting up materials-based explorations in classrooms, museums,  library makerspaces and around the kitchen table.

This event requires pre-registration here:


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The Tinkering Workshop at The Exploratorium
1:00 PM13:00

The Tinkering Workshop at The Exploratorium

Join us at the Exploratorium’ Tinkering Studio to meet educator and author Ryan Jenkins and learn about his new book, The Tinkering Workshop.

Together we’ll get inspired to look at familiar supplies in new and unexpected ways, to think with our hands, troubleshoot tricky constructions, and sharpen our problem-solving skills. At this event, Ryan will give a short introduction to the book and lead a drop-in tinkering workshop pulled directly from the pages. Signed copies of The Tinkering Workshop will be available for purchase at the museum store.

*Please note that purchase of museum admission is necessary to attend this event

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The Tinkering Workshop at Redwood City Library
3:30 PM15:30

The Tinkering Workshop at Redwood City Library

  • Redwood City Public Library (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us at the Redwood City Public Library makerspace to meet educator and author Ryan Jenkins and learn about his new book, The Tinkering Workshop.

Together we’ll get inspired to look at familiar supplies in new and unexpected ways, to think with our hands, troubleshoot tricky constructions, and sharpen our problem-solving skills. At this event, Ryan will give a short introduction to the book and lead a drop-in tinkering workshop pulled directly from the pages.

Signed copies of The Tinkering Workshop will be available for purchase.

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Tinkering Workshop Launch Party
3:00 PM15:00

Tinkering Workshop Launch Party

Help us celebrate the book birthday of Ryan Jenkins’ new guide to playful art and science explorations, The Tinkering Workshop! This special virtual launch party on the official publication date will be broadcast live from the Changemaker Lab at Live Oak School in San Francisco, an makerspace featured in the book as an inspiring tinkering environment.

Ryan will give a quick introduction to the book by inviting the team from Storey Publishing including photographer Hesh Hipp and lead designer Ian O’Neill to share about their behind-the-scenes process. Then we’ll have an interactive Q&A session with some of the spotlighted tinkerers who have contributed their STEAM explorations to the ‘going deeper’ pages in the book. And there will be an informal chat with a select group of making and tinkering educators will share how they will use the book in their homes, classrooms, libraries, museums and makerspace.

Parents and caregivers with their kids, educators and tinkerers are all invited to take part in this free event, meet some inspiring makers and get inspired to play, build and explore with science, art and technology. In advance of the launch party we invite you to pre-order your copy of the book on amazon, bookshop, barnes and noble or wherever curious books are sold.

Sign up here:


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Forge of Hope at Ars Electronica
to Sep 8

Forge of Hope at Ars Electronica

Join Ryan Jenkins and friends from Tinkertank - Creative with technology to facilitate the building of a large scale #chainreaction machine as part of the "create your world" exhibition at Ars Electronica in Linz, Austria. This is a great opportunity for kids, adults and artists to play, prototype and explore together.

It will be a massive and unpredictable adventure to make a mobile workshop, incorporate a bunch of electronic scrap to the hashtag#rubegoldberg machine and invite people to build something larger than their own individual element!

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CMT Computational Contraptions Tinkering Workshop
to Dec 8

CMT Computational Contraptions Tinkering Workshop

The a new global workshop with the Cabaret Mechanical Theatre where we’ll combine computational elements with the craft of building kinetic sculptures. We'll experiment with micro:bit, cardboard construction, relays and motors, positional and continuous servo motors, linkage mechanisms and more.. There will be virtual artist workshop tours, community building and time to work on personal projects. For more information about CMT workshops join the makers’ mailing list!


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WICO World Tour: Mexicali
5:00 PM17:00

WICO World Tour: Mexicali

In this session of the WICO World Tour we’ll explore community mural projects, robotics competitions and photographic explorations.

Sign up today to join us live over zoom or “on your own time” with video recorded workshops:


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WICO World Tour: Sao Paulo
5:00 PM17:00

WICO World Tour: Sao Paulo

In this session of the WICO World Tour we’ll explore handmade wooden instruments, tinkering with nature and digital education.

Sign up today to join us live over zoom or “on your own time” with video recorded workshops:


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WICO World Tour: Singapore
4:00 PM16:00

WICO World Tour: Singapore

In this session of the WICO World Tour we’ll explore the connections between art science and technology in museums, schools and makerspaces.

Sign up today to join us live over zoom or “on your own time” with video recorded workshops:


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WICO World Tour: Kathmandu
4:00 PM16:00

WICO World Tour: Kathmandu

In this session of the WICO World Tour we’ll explore science kits, a community makerspace and a all women motor bike repair cafe

Sign up today to join us live over zoom or “on your own time” with video recorded workshops:


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WICO World Tour: Emilia-Romagna
5:00 PM17:00

WICO World Tour: Emilia-Romagna

In this session of the WICO World Tour we’ll explore 3D printing with pasta, reusing industrial materials for creative projects and a learner-centric approach to preschool education.

Sign up today to join us live over zoom or “on your own time” with video recorded workshops:


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CMT Global Tinkering Workshop
to Oct 21

CMT Global Tinkering Workshop

The latest global workshop with the Cabaret Mechanical Theatre. We’ll build cranky contraptions, cardboard automata, experiment with linkages and add motors and switches to our projects. There will be virtual artist workshop tours, community building and time to work on personal projects. For more information about CMT workshops join the makers’ mailing list!


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Interaktion at Experimenta
to Jul 10

Interaktion at Experimenta

We’ll be joining Jochen Hunger and Britta Speer at Experimenta for an exploration of nature, tinkering and online programming during the pandemic in our first in-person tinkering event since last year! We’ll be sharing the paper tube kaleidoscope project and sharing photos on padlet!.

Learn more here:


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ECSITE virtual conference
to Jun 11

ECSITE virtual conference

  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the ECSITE makers group (and tons of other science communication professionals) for a 3 day virtual conference full of workshops, talks and networking opportunities. For more information check out the link here:


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to Jun 4


Ryan will present a talk and lead a worshop at the STLinSTL Summit for Transformative Learning in St. Louis, Missouri (STLinSTL) created and hosted by Mary Institute and Saint Louis Country Day School (MICDS). The most recent conference drew nearly 400 educators from across the country, providing invaluable networking opportunities for all attendees. This year's event will be a virtual conference but promises to connect participants with the same expert speakers in a variety of session formats, including interactive sessions, presentations followed by Q&A, and a new flipped conference format.

Learn more here:


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Tinkering World Tour - Aarhus, Denmark
8:00 AM08:00

Tinkering World Tour - Aarhus, Denmark

On the “Tinkering World Tour” we will travel virtually to different cities and countries around the world and meet makers, tinkerers, artists and musicians. For each session we'll take a behind-the-scenes tour of a makerspace, engage with a hands-on tinkering activity that can be done with everyday materials and meet artists who use a tinkering approach to explore music, dance, cooking or nature!

This week we’re heading to Aarhus, Demark to visit the Dokk1 library makerspace and learn about tinkering on the beach!

Sign up here:


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Tinkering World Tour - New Mexico, USA
8:00 AM08:00

Tinkering World Tour - New Mexico, USA

On the “Tinkering World Tour” we will travel virtually to different cities and countries around the world and meet makers, tinkerers, artists and musicians. For each session we'll take a behind-the-scenes tour of a makerspace, engage with a hands-on tinkering activity that can be done with everyday materials and meet artists who use a tinkering approach to explore music, dance, cooking or nature!

This week we’re heading to New Mexico and will visit the Hand and Machine research center at the University of New Mexico.

Sign up here:


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Tinkering World Tour - Kyoto, Japan
10:00 PM22:00

Tinkering World Tour - Kyoto, Japan

On the “Tinkering World Tour” we will travel virtually to different cities and countries around the world and meet makers, tinkerers, artists and musicians. For each session we'll take a behind-the-scenes tour of a makerspace, engage with a hands-on tinkering activity that can be done with everyday materials and meet artists who use a tinkering approach to explore music, dance, cooking or nature!

This week we’re heading to Kyoto Japan to visit the "Tsukuru-Manabu" makerspace. We will also hear a performance by a musical tinkerer!

Sign up here:


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