Maker Faire Heilbronn 2025 Ryan JenkinsFebruary 11, 2025maker faire, maker faire heilbronn, heilbronn, der makerspace, experimenta, german, germany, european book tour, the tinkering workshop, kaleidoscopes, open ended projects, dichroic filter, prototyping, tinkertank, makeitreal, book launch, book release
Fireplace Fan Motor Experiments Ryan JenkinsFebruary 10, 2025energy harvesting, peltier elements, phaeno wolfsburg, prototyping, exhibit design, motors, generators, thermoelectric generators
The Tinkering Workshop EU & UK Tour Kicks Off! Ryan JenkinsFebruary 7, 2025the tinkering workshop, book launch, book tour, workshops, prototypes, author events, europe, travel, carl schurz haus, art bots, freiburg, heilbronn, maker faire heilbronn, makerspace, experimenta, kaleidoscopes, ShiftED, cabaret mechanical theater, PD workshop, mechanical making space, cambridge science center, lugwigsburg, tinkertank, tinkering tour, zurich, weltraumfest, raumschiff, international school, ISP, international school of prague, portugal, fabrica, ciencia viva
Energy Harvesting Prototyping Challenges Ryan JenkinsJanuary 27, 2025phaeno, phaeno wolfsburg, energy harvesting, failure, frustration, challenges, prototypes, piezo, bluetooth switches, kinetic energy, capacitor, peltier elements, energy, alternative energy, tests, piezo microphones, testing
Playfully Exploring Three Museum Exhibits in Milan Ryan JenkinsJanuary 24, 2025milan, italy, museum, exhibitions, art, technology, tinkering, young learners, tinkering with toddlers, tinguley, hangar bicocca, kinetic sculptures, MUBA, remida, reuse, recycle, science center, children's museum, PLAYLAB, artists, design, STAM, STEAM, STEM
New Tinkering Book Recs for 2025 Ryan JenkinsJanuary 7, 2025tinkering books, the tinkering workshop, book recommentations, makerspace books, storey publishing, fablabs, coding, AI, block print, kids books, picture books
Repairing a Maneki-Neko Ryan JenkinsJanuary 2, 2025maneki neko, lucky cat, repair, tinkering with toddlers, tinkering with two year olds, tools, toys, toy dissection
Tinkering in Spatial Chat Ryan JenkinsDecember 19, 2024online meeting, online workshop, spatialchat, clean conferencing institute, virtual tinkering, facilitation, the tinkering workshop
2024 Year in Review Ryan JenkinsDecember 16, 2024year in review, 2024, a secret club, freiburg, nexus experiments, STEAM, tinkertank, experinauten, tinkering jam, paedagogische hochschule, STEM ecosystem, deutsches museum, phaeno, light and optics, kaleidoscopes, octostudio, AI, scratch, chatGPT, spatialchat, ars electronica, chain reaction, create your world, the tinkering workshop, book launch, book release, book tour, california, live oak school, libraries, exploratorium, tinkering studio, maker faire, bay area maker faire, MOXI, timbre books, rediscover center, tinkerlab, library makers, tested
More Making and Tinkering Gift Ideas Ryan JenkinsDecember 13, 2024gift guide, jen schacter, exploratorium, tested, the kids should see this, LA STEM collective, favorite things
Light, Shadow and LEGO at Elztal Museum Ryan JenkinsDecember 3, 2024elztal museum, waldkirch, LEGO, LEGO pull string motor, light and shadow, art machines, LEGO art machines, family workshop, prototyping, low threshold, wide walls, high ceiling, workshop, experiment
The Tinkering Workshop Gift Guide 2024 Ryan JenkinsNovember 28, 2024gift guide, the tinkering workshop, book launch, STEAM, educators, teachers, holiday gifts, tinkering gifts, tinkering, googly eyes, chompsaw, chibitronics, mini automata, loulou cousins, cabaret mechanical theatre, pustefix, strandbeest, Theo Jansen, kit, gearmotor, sparkfun, octostudio, austin kleon, show your work, windell oskay, open circuits, bruno munari