Tinkering 15 for 15 (2009-2024) Episode 2: Luigi Anzivino on the TS Blog

We’re back with the second episode of a series of mini-interviews looking back on past fifteen years of making and tinkering in education. I got inspired for this project because I started working in this field back in 2009, helping to dream up a new space in the Exploratorium called The Tinkering Studio. It seems that around the years of 2008 and 2009 many other influential projects were just getting off the ground and since then, the world of making and tinkering in education has evolved in many new and exciting ways.

In the second episode of this “blogcast” I was joined by my friend Luigi Anzivino who helped start the Tinkering Studio blog roughly fifteen years ago. In this fun conversation, Luigi and I discuss how this "archive of thoughts about tinkering" has become an amazing ongoing story of the playful and experimental process of developing tinkering activities and environments.

I wanted to include some links to the posts that Luigi referenced in the conversation. First, here are some of the posts about the impetus for the blog, a trip to Sarnath, India to lead tinkering activities with a group of Tibetan Buddhist monks focusing on both the local flavor and the workshop projects. On of the favorite early blog themes were capturing random and playful “Moments of Zen” that happened over the course of the daily life. Sometimes there reflections of the team culture expanded into bigger documentation projects like this mockumentary about going to the storage unit. Luigi mentioned how some posts have been a chance to think through deeper ideas about learning and teaching through tinkering like his article on the art of the perfect example. And we spoke about how the blog could lead to more connections and collaborations with tinkerers like in this exploration of 3D printed LEGO marker holders.

Check out the most recent posts on the Tinkering Studio blog here:
