Join author and educator Ryan Jenkins from Wonderful Idea Co. at shiftED Makerspace to get introduced to the tinkering approach to STEAM learning, get hands-on by playing and exploring everyday materials using project prompts from the new book 'The Tinkering Workshop', reflect on the experience.
During the workshop we’ll take a deep dive into the world of tinkering. Tinkering is a way to learn about art science and technology that emphasizes experimentation, collaboration and playfulness. For tinkering projects there’s not a specific end-point and each design will be different depending on the questions and ideas of the learners.
We’ll be using cardboard, wire and washers to explore balance and build unique “weighted wobblers” and “wire mobiles”. We’ll investigate how low-tech science explorations can be taken further with the addition of story telling elements or light-up electronic elements.
In our discussion, we’ll think together about how to adapt these projects into classrooms, makerspaces, informal learning environments and at home tinkering workshops. We’ll consider the balance between freedom and constraint, facilitation strategies and ways of setting up spaces, materials and examples to support the tinkering process.
You will also have the opportunity to learn about shiftED, a Camden-based charity that offers design and making projects to schools, as well as to children and young people after school. Additionally, it provides CPD opportunities for teachers and educators.
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