Third Space Mini Exhibit Workshop Update

Just over a year ago I was in Udaipur, India working with a group of educators, makers and learning designers at Dharohar. This creative group has been developing a pop-up learning space as a prototype for a future community center for curiosity and exploration.

Last December, we spent three days talking about exhibit design, looking at inspiring examples and constructing our own prototypes for interactive installations. I just heard back from the team and wanted to share their progress on the exhibit projects over the last 12 months. I’ve been really impressed by their spirit of innovation during the pandemic period and have been inspired by their development of the pop-up space.

The pop-up museum, Third Space Mini is a great combination of community center, art space, science center and exploration space. Each month there’s a theme to discover and plenty of different activities to try for the whole family. They completely redid the space since the time that I was there and it’s looking really open and friendly.


One of the projects that we worked on was an little art machine using gearbox motors, batteries and switches to make spiral patterns. They have evolved the idea by creating a couple of little corners where visitors can take a deep dive into making playful artistic designs.

Another project idea that we tested out in December was a set of soft balancing blocks of unusual shapes (possibly with embedded digital elements like using the micro:bit accelerometer). The group has been playing with size and scale as they continue to refine the idea.


And a last project that we worked on was a tops testing table using lasercut discs and bulk hardware to experiment with making spinning tops. From a rough prototype, the station has developed into a beautiful and friendly exhibit with lots of room for investigation.


It’s really fun to see how the team has developed their own ability as designers and creators of educational materials and physical environments. They are developing their own abilities to create environments activities and exhibits which will continue to evolve to meet the needs of the community.

Making an investment in developing the creative capacity of the staff will result in more interesting, relevant and responsive creations. I feel happy to have contributed a small part to that process of development and discovery and can’t wait to see their next projects.