Books and Articles to Inspire Tinkering with AI Ryan JenkinsMarch 13, 2025prototyping, AI workshop, inspirations, ken kahn, CMK press, learner's apprentice, seymour papert, mindstorms, Mitchel Resnick, Eric Rosenbaum, LLK, MIT Media Lab, Scratch Team, Scratch, podcasts, ezra klein, machines of loving grace, gary stager, mitra martin, nettrice gaskins, holly herndon, nnedi okarafor
Prototype AI and Creative Learning Workshop Ryan JenkinsNovember 22, 2024AI, Scratch, HRRC, University Freiburg, NEXUS experiments, creative computing, creative learning, prototyping, testing workshops, teachers, library, MIT Media Lab, Lifelong Kindergarten, Mitchel Resnick, Generative AI, Imaginary, I AM AI, neural numbers, predictive AI, generative AI, face sensing, graphic novel, scratch labs, image creator, co-pilot