Tinkering with AI Tools, Scratchlab and Makey Makey Ryan JenkinsMarch 10, 2025NEXUS experiments, Freiburg University, HRRC, AI, AI tinkering, generative AI, creative learning, LLK, Mitchel Resnick, face sensing, prototyping, The Learner's Apprentice, Makey Makey, alien travel agent, image creator, chatGPT, mouse chef, advice robot, large language model, prompts
Collaged Character Animations with AI Ryan JenkinsFebruary 26, 2025AI, AI tinkering, playful AI, NEXUS experiments, University Freiburg, HRRC, Emancipatory AI, Sonia Tiwari, sonia tiwari, playing with algorithms, meta AI demos, collages, hanoch piven
New Tinkering Book Recs for 2025 Ryan JenkinsJanuary 7, 2025tinkering books, the tinkering workshop, book recommentations, makerspace books, storey publishing, fablabs, coding, AI, block print, kids books, picture books
2024 Year in Review Ryan JenkinsDecember 16, 2024year in review, 2024, a secret club, freiburg, nexus experiments, STEAM, tinkertank, experinauten, tinkering jam, paedagogische hochschule, STEM ecosystem, deutsches museum, phaeno, light and optics, kaleidoscopes, octostudio, AI, scratch, chatGPT, spatialchat, ars electronica, chain reaction, create your world, the tinkering workshop, book launch, book release, book tour, california, live oak school, libraries, exploratorium, tinkering studio, maker faire, bay area maker faire, MOXI, timbre books, rediscover center, tinkerlab, library makers, tested
Prototype AI and Creative Learning Workshop Ryan JenkinsNovember 22, 2024AI, Scratch, HRRC, University Freiburg, NEXUS experiments, creative computing, creative learning, prototyping, testing workshops, teachers, library, MIT Media Lab, Lifelong Kindergarten, Mitchel Resnick, Generative AI, Imaginary, I AM AI, neural numbers, predictive AI, generative AI, face sensing, graphic novel, scratch labs, image creator, co-pilot
Ten Tinkering Inspirations for Summer 2023 Ryan JenkinsAugust 31, 2023tinkering, inspirations, automata, AI, pen plotter, music machines, cardboard costumes, biotinkering, scratch, maker faire Comment
Automata Tour in Falmouth and Hastings Ryan JenkinsJune 28, 2023automata, cabaret mechanical theatre, paul spooner, stithians, falmouth, cornwall, workshop, tom haney, wind deviced, engineered arts, will jackson, robots, AI, ameca, cardboard, prototyping, fi henshall, keith newstead, hastings, mechanical maker space, crowdfunding, sarah alexander
Prototyping with Robotics, AI and Micro:bit Ryan JenkinsJanuary 30, 2020microbit, servo, AI, robotics, NTSEC, prototyping, kuwait, kfas AI and Robotics, radio function, creative coding, chain reaction, servo tree, art machines