2024 Year in Review Ryan JenkinsDecember 16, 2024year in review, 2024, a secret club, freiburg, nexus experiments, STEAM, tinkertank, experinauten, tinkering jam, paedagogische hochschule, STEM ecosystem, deutsches museum, phaeno, light and optics, kaleidoscopes, octostudio, AI, scratch, chatGPT, spatialchat, ars electronica, chain reaction, create your world, the tinkering workshop, book launch, book release, book tour, california, live oak school, libraries, exploratorium, tinkering studio, maker faire, bay area maker faire, MOXI, timbre books, rediscover center, tinkerlab, library makers, tested
Ten Tinkering Inspirations for Summer 2023 Ryan JenkinsAugust 31, 2023tinkering, inspirations, automata, AI, pen plotter, music machines, cardboard costumes, biotinkering, scratch, maker faire Comment
Ufte Reflections and Big Ideas - Part One Ryan JenkinsJune 24, 2022uftes, tinkering, prototyping, exploratorium, tinkering studio, exhibits, workshops, projects, kinetic sculptures, balance, calder, signs, prompts, low threshold, testing, user testing, shadow remix, light and shadow, app developmetn, scratch, software, touchscreen, hardware
Scratch Alternate Realities Ryan JenkinsMay 11, 2021scratch, digital tinkering, animate your world, tinkering world tour, workshop, new mexico, meow wolf, house of eternal return, prototype, programming, project, alternate dimensions, hidden universes
Computational Tinkering Workshop at NTSEC Ryan JenkinsJanuary 8, 2020creative coding, computational tinkering, taiwan, taipei, professional development workshop, PD workshop, prototyping, experimentation, saskia leggett, jaleesa trapp, art machines, scratch, makey makey, microbit, makecode, chain reaction, digital pets, servo garden, animate your values
Creative Coding PD: Crafting Computational Identities Ryan JenkinsMay 14, 2019creative coding, professional development, CCPD, saskia leggett, leah buechley, microbit, sensor garden, digital nametags, processing, turtle art, computational tinkering, vinyl cutter, temporary tattoos, makey makey, scratch, chibitronics, installation, prototype
AI Toy Dissection Remix with Cognimates Ryan JenkinsMarch 21, 2019toy hack, toy dissection, toy take apart, cognimates, scratch, microbit, fablearn, prototype, bunny, tinkering, experiment
Eco-Friendly Circuits at FabLearn 2019 Ryan JenkinsMarch 13, 2019fablearn, microbit, scratch, computational tinkering, STEAM, workshop, prototyping, solar power, wind power
Scratch Scenius in Practice Ryan JenkinsJuly 31, 2018scratch, scratchMIT2018, creative coding, computational tinkeing, sensor garden, flat scratch jam, conference, MIT media lab, scenius
Computational Tinkering Three Ways Ryan JenkinsNovember 8, 2017computational tinkering, robots, dance party, frugal tinkering, programming, scratch, scratchx, arduino, tinkercad, mblocks, prototyping, workshops
Robot Dance Party at ScratchBDX2017 Read More Ryan JenkinsAugust 30, 2017scratch, computational tinkering, scratchx, scratch conference, dancing robots, frugal tinkering, espgg, bordeaux, conference, workshop, prototype
Scratch-O-Lantern Ryan JenkinsOctober 28, 2016halloween, scratchpaper, scratch-o-lantern, arduino, papercircuits, scratch, scratchx, prototype, karkhana