A Citywide Tinkering Tour in Ludwigsburg Ryan JenkinsMarch 18, 2025tinkertank, ludwigsburg, tufteltour, tinkering tour, citywide workshop, art bots, art machines, creative lab, thalia books, voltpaperscissors, spin art, spinner, spirograph, tinkering, the tinkering workshop, book tour, book launch, european book tour, library, maker zone, makerspace, open make, remix, remixed art machines
Maker Faire Heilbronn 2025 Ryan JenkinsFebruary 11, 2025maker faire, maker faire heilbronn, heilbronn, der makerspace, experimenta, german, germany, european book tour, the tinkering workshop, kaleidoscopes, open ended projects, dichroic filter, prototyping, tinkertank, makeitreal, book launch, book release