Maker Faire Heilbronn 2025 Ryan JenkinsFebruary 11, 2025maker faire, maker faire heilbronn, heilbronn, der makerspace, experimenta, german, germany, european book tour, the tinkering workshop, kaleidoscopes, open ended projects, dichroic filter, prototyping, tinkertank, makeitreal, book launch, book release
The Tinkering Workshop EU & UK Tour Kicks Off! Ryan JenkinsFebruary 7, 2025the tinkering workshop, book launch, book tour, workshops, prototypes, author events, europe, travel, carl schurz haus, art bots, freiburg, heilbronn, maker faire heilbronn, makerspace, experimenta, kaleidoscopes, ShiftED, cabaret mechanical theater, PD workshop, mechanical making space, cambridge science center, lugwigsburg, tinkertank, tinkering tour, zurich, weltraumfest, raumschiff, international school, ISP, international school of prague, portugal, fabrica, ciencia viva
Maker Faire Heilbronn "Remix your Toys" Ryan JenkinsFebruary 29, 2024maker faire, maker faire heilbronn, experimenta, der makerspace, frieburg, heilbronn, martin schwab, LEGO, LEGO marble machines, LEGO art machines, remix your toys, LEGO pull string motor, timelapse
Workshops at TinkerTank and Experimenta Ryan JenkinsJuly 13, 2023tinkertank, treadmill rollers, germany, experimenta, inter.aktion, LEGO, makerspaces, community, prototyping, halbgar, half baked ideas
Kaleidoscope Workshop at Experimenta Ryan JenkinsJuly 13, 2021tinkering, kaleidoscope, heilbronn, experimenta, workshop, nature, jochen hunger, hacks, mirrors, prototypes, cardboard, activity design, microscopes, makerspace, creative labs, ZKM, biomaterials