A Citywide Tinkering Tour in Ludwigsburg Ryan JenkinsMarch 18, 2025tinkertank, ludwigsburg, tufteltour, tinkering tour, citywide workshop, art bots, art machines, creative lab, thalia books, voltpaperscissors, spin art, spinner, spirograph, tinkering, the tinkering workshop, book tour, book launch, european book tour, library, maker zone, makerspace, open make, remix, remixed art machines
The Tinkering Workshop EU & UK Tour Kicks Off! Ryan JenkinsFebruary 7, 2025the tinkering workshop, book launch, book tour, workshops, prototypes, author events, europe, travel, carl schurz haus, art bots, freiburg, heilbronn, maker faire heilbronn, makerspace, experimenta, kaleidoscopes, ShiftED, cabaret mechanical theater, PD workshop, mechanical making space, cambridge science center, lugwigsburg, tinkertank, tinkering tour, zurich, weltraumfest, raumschiff, international school, ISP, international school of prague, portugal, fabrica, ciencia viva
The Tinkering Workshop Fresh Reviews Ryan JenkinsNovember 13, 2024the tinkering workshop, reviews, certified fresh, amazon, goodreads, feedback, the algorithm, algorithm, STEAM, tinkering, makerspace, ratings, five stars
Visits to ReDiscover Center and Thinkery Ryan JenkinsApril 15, 2024visits, museum visit, site visit, makerspace, los angeles, texas, california, austin, rediscover center, thinkery, light play
Toy Taxidermy at the KID museum Ryan JenkinsJune 13, 2022KID museum, installation, circuits, toy taxidermy, furby, makerspace, electricity, toy take apart, toy dissection
Tinkering with Uftes at Ecsite 2022 Ryan JenkinsJune 6, 2022ecsite2022, ecsite, ecsite conference, heilbronn, germany, conference, prototyping, makerspace, tinkering space, tinkering studio, kinetic scupltures, sound machines, rhythm blocks, uftes, exploratorium, LEGO foundation
Kaleidoscope Workshop at Experimenta Ryan JenkinsJuly 13, 2021tinkering, kaleidoscope, heilbronn, experimenta, workshop, nature, jochen hunger, hacks, mirrors, prototypes, cardboard, activity design, microscopes, makerspace, creative labs, ZKM, biomaterials
Ecsite 2021 Makerspace Happy Hour Ryan JenkinsJune 16, 2021ecsite2021, ecsitemakers, wonder, happyhour, makerspace, experiment, prototype, social event, virtual tinkering, online tinkering, conferences
Ecsite Makerspace 2019 Recap Ryan JenkinsJuly 17, 2019ecsite, ecsite2019, ecsitemakers, makerspace, conference, workshops, computational tinkering, playful programming, wearables, conversation corner, spaghetti eater, automata, environment, experimentarium, europe, captain credible, everyday materials
Photograms and Pinhole Camera Prototyping Ryan JenkinsMarch 5, 2019WICO workshop, WICO egg, makerspace, maker ed, photography, photograms, pinholes, modesto tamez, experiments, cardboard, prototype
Ecsite 2018 Makerspace Recap Ryan JenkinsJune 18, 2018ecsite, makerspace, geneva, ecsite2018, cranky contraptions, computational tinkering, hack your badge, marble madness, fablab, pop-up, conference
Tinkering at CASTEAM17 Ryan JenkinsDecember 14, 2017stop motion, automata, STEAM, conferences, pop-up, makerspace, workshop