Maker Faire Heilbronn 2025 Ryan JenkinsFebruary 11, 2025maker faire, maker faire heilbronn, heilbronn, der makerspace, experimenta, german, germany, european book tour, the tinkering workshop, kaleidoscopes, open ended projects, dichroic filter, prototyping, tinkertank, makeitreal, book launch, book release
2024 Year in Review Ryan JenkinsDecember 16, 2024year in review, 2024, a secret club, freiburg, nexus experiments, STEAM, tinkertank, experinauten, tinkering jam, paedagogische hochschule, STEM ecosystem, deutsches museum, phaeno, light and optics, kaleidoscopes, octostudio, AI, scratch, chatGPT, spatialchat, ars electronica, chain reaction, create your world, the tinkering workshop, book launch, book release, book tour, california, live oak school, libraries, exploratorium, tinkering studio, maker faire, bay area maker faire, MOXI, timbre books, rediscover center, tinkerlab, library makers, tested
Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas Ryan JenkinsOctober 30, 2024the tinkering workshop, halloween, costumes, cardboard, funny, spooky, googly eyes, trash tutu, cardboard skateboard, rearview mirror, big face box, mobiles, defensive dress, book launch, book release, inspirations, ideas, prototypes