Tinkering World Tour 'Season One' Clips Ryan JenkinsJuly 23, 2021tinkering, travel, world tour, WICOworldtour, chezacheza, a secret club, booky margoof, leah buechley, tiff tseng, season two, online, online workshop, online tinkering, online tinkering workshop, clips, shorts, videos
Kaleidoscope Workshop at Experimenta Ryan JenkinsJuly 13, 2021tinkering, kaleidoscope, heilbronn, experimenta, workshop, nature, jochen hunger, hacks, mirrors, prototypes, cardboard, activity design, microscopes, makerspace, creative labs, ZKM, biomaterials
Solar Garden Light Dissection and Remix Ryan JenkinsJuly 8, 2021solar tinkering, solar power, garden lights, solar garden, eth zurich, creativelabz, prototype, ecotinkering, eco-friendly tinkering, sustainability, enviornmental, LEDs, flowers, paper circuits, solar house
Ecsite 2021 Makerspace Happy Hour Ryan JenkinsJune 16, 2021ecsite2021, ecsitemakers, wonder, happyhour, makerspace, experiment, prototype, social event, virtual tinkering, online tinkering, conferences
Sound Automata at Makers Music Festival Ryan JenkinsMay 18, 2021automata, sound automata, workshop, music makers, maker music festival, online workshop, online tinkering, cabaret mechanical theatre, sound machines
Scratch Alternate Realities Ryan JenkinsMay 11, 2021scratch, digital tinkering, animate your world, tinkering world tour, workshop, new mexico, meow wolf, house of eternal return, prototype, programming, project, alternate dimensions, hidden universes
Make a Kinetic Collage with BB-8 Ryan JenkinsMay 4, 2021servo, collage, microbit, makecode, star wars, bb8, may the fourth, storytelling with servos, programming, electronics, prototype, digital tinkering, physical digital, STEAM, switch, aluminum\ foil, automata, naomi osaka, mayor pete
ECSITE Tinkering Workrooms Ryan JenkinsApril 25, 2021ecsite, workroom, online workshop, online tinkering, tinkering workroom, making faces, miro board, self potraits, 3d design, tinkercad, derders, sensors, frameworks, ecsite2021, ecsite conference
WICO World Tour Origins and Inspirations Ryan JenkinsApril 24, 2021tinkering, tinkering world tour, WICOworldtour, world tour, travel, indiegogo, crowdfunding, online, MOOC, zoom workshop, online tinkering, padlet, online tinkering workshop, geosafari, tinkering t-shirt, chain reaction, cabaret mechanical theatre, automata, tinkering with automata, tim hunkin, secret life of compnents, anthony bourdain, nairobi, berlin, aarhus, new mexico, kyoto
Solar Powered BEAM Experiments Ryan JenkinsApril 13, 2021BEAM bots, solar panels, plants, biotinkering, kits, breadboard, solar lights